Abstract Data Types (ADT)

Abstract Data Types
Abstract Data Types or ADT is a user-defined data types.
Also, can be explained this way, we have a primitive data types (e.g. char, float). But sometimes we want to store the data as one (e.g. Names, Address, telephone number). We then can declare an abstract data types to handle that.
In an ADT, we can create our own data types using the existing primitive data types or even object, and name the ADT whatever we want.
The class is the encapsulation device
·         A class is a type
·         All of the class instances of a class share a single copy of the member functions
·         Each instance of a class has its own copy of the class data members
·         Instances can be static, stack dynamic, or heap dynamic
·         Information Hiding
o   Private clause for hidden entities
o   Public clause for interface entities
o   Protected clause for inheritance
·         Constructors:
o   Functions to initialize the data members of instances (they do not create the objects)
o   May also allocate storage if part of the object is heap-dynamic
o   Can include parameters to provide parameterization of the objects
o   Implicitly called when an instance is created
o   Can be explicitly called
o   Name is the same as the class name
·         Destructors
o   Functions to cleanup after an instance is destroyed; usually just to reclaim heap storage
o   Implicitly called when the object’s lifetime ends
o   Can be explicitly called
o   Name is the class name, preceded by a tilde (~)
·         Example in C++
class Stack {
                                int *stackPtr, maxLen, topPtr;
                                Stack() { // a constructor
                                                stackPtr = new int [100];
                                                maxLen = 99;
                                                topPtr = -1;
                                ~Stack () {delete [] stackPtr;};
                                void push (int number) {
          if (topSub == maxLen)
            cerr << ″Error in push - stack is full\n″;
          else stackPtr[++topSub] = number;
                                void pop () {…};
                                int top () {…};
                                int empty () {…};
·         Friend functions or classes - to provide access to private members to some unrelated units or functions
·         Necessary in C++
Encapsulation Constructs
·         Large programs have two special needs:
o   Some means of organization, other than simply division into subprograms
o   Some means of partial compilation (compilation units that are smaller than the whole program)
·         Obvious solution: a grouping of subprograms that are logically related into a unit that can be separately compiled (compilation units)
·         Such collections are called encapsulation

Nested Subprograms
·         Organizing programs by nesting subprogram definitions inside the logically larger subprograms that use them
·         Nested subprograms are supported in Ada, Fortran 95+, Python, JavaScript, and Ruby

Encapsulation in C
·         Files containing one or more subprograms can be independently compiled
·         The interface is placed in a header file
·         Problem: the linker does not check types between a header and associated implementation
·         #include preprocessor specification – used to include header files in applications

Encapsulation in C++
·         Can define header and code files, similar to those of C
·         Or, classes can be used for encapsulation
o   The class is used as the interface (prototypes)
o   The member definitions are defined in a separate file
·         Friends provide a way to grant access to private members of a class

Naming Encapsulations
·         Large programs define many global names; need a way to divide into logical groupings
·         A naming encapsulation is used to create a new scope for names
·         C++ Namespaces
o   Can place each library in its own namespace and qualify names used outside with the namespace
o   C# also includes namespaces
·         Java Packages
o   Packages can contain more than one class definition; classes in a package are partial friends
o   Clients of a package can use fully qualified name or use the import declaration
·         Ruby classes are name encapsulations, but Ruby also has modules
·         Typically encapsulate collections of constants and methods
·         Modules cannot be instantiated or subclassed, and they cannot define variables
·         Methods defined in a module must include the module’s name
·         Access to the contents of a module is requested with the require method

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